Hakkımızda Tarifeler İletişim

System Requirements

Notice Regarding Characters To Be Used

Notice Regarding Standard Language Translation

Error Codes


User Information Control

Notice Regarding GSM number format

Notice Regarding Sender Information Usage

Sending Message



HTTP/HTTPS API is developed for software developers who send up to 150 SMS in on go. With our API, you can easily integrate SMS module into your software development environment, seamlessly.

Mobildev HTTP/HTTPS API provides software developers with the ability to access Mobildev SMS Gateway over HTTP or HTTPS. This way, the software developers can implement SMS technology in their solution.

Software developers will be calling methods offered by Mobildev HTTP/HTTPS as specified. The methods offered are the same for both HTTP API and HTTPS API. The only difference lies in the addresses that the parameters are sent to, as the following:




Both of the addresses will be referred to as “Gateway” going forward.

Using the appropriate address within your action parameter in your SMS sending forms, you can easily send SMS. The method parameter value of the form must be POST.

Notice: Using of HTTP/HTTPS enables data to be encrypted before it is transmitted, safeguarding against data theft.

System Requirements

Following is the minimum system requirements list in order to use Mobildev HTTP/HTTPS API solution.

User Information Control

Before starting with sending SMS, SMS user information control must be carried out. If you don’t have a current SMS account please CLICK HERE to obtain a test account from Mobildev Customer Services.

When Gateway receives the user information, the system verifies it and sends credit and originator information associated with it. During verification of the user information, username, company, password and action information is checked.

Username: is your Mobildev SMS user name.
Company: is your channel information associated with your SMS user name –also known as client code-.
Password: is your SMS password.  
Action: is the numerical parameter node stating the function for which the Gateway HTTP/HTTPS statement was sent. Action parameter used for the user information control is 2.

After checking the information sent to Gateway, 01 Error Code will be returned if the information is not correct. Error Code 01 means that one or all of the following is incorrect: user name – password – company code. In this case, please contact with Mobildev Technical Support Team and check your login details.

After the information sent to Gateway is checked, the below values will be returned if the information is correct:

Credits remaining<10>

Sample User Information Control URL Statement for HTTP: 

http://gateway.mobilus.net/gateway.asp?username=username&company=clientcode&password=password&action=action value

Sample User Information Control URL Statement for HTTP: 


Sample UserInformation Control URL Statement for HTTPS: 

https://secure.mobilus.net/sms/gateway.asp?username=username&company=clientcode&password=password&action=action value

Sample User Information Control URL Statement for HTTPS: 


Notice: mb1000 value just shows the usage. You must use your own client code, user name and password associated with your account.

Notice Regarding Characters To Be Used

During sending, the below is not allowed:

Within a message, only the following characters are allowed: ( ) [ ] { }  =  *  ? \  /  % +  #  !  ”  :  ;  _  |

Notice Regarding GSM Number Format

GSM numbers must be formatted as 05321234567, 5321234567, 905321234567 and written within Numbers parameter node.

Notice: You cannot send should you format numbers as +905321234567, 532 123 45 67, +05321234567 and use -, ( ), [ ], { } etc. characters

Notice Regarding Standard Language Translation

If non-ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters were used within the text, use of a language translator will be necessary.

Sample Translator Code:

$y= ("I"=>"like","she"=>"likes");
array_walk($y , create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = $k."=".$v ;'));
"index.php?".htmlentities(urlencode(implode("&",$y)), ENT_QUOTES);

Notice: You can access more sample translator codes on the internet.

Notice Regarding Sender Information Usage

Sender Information (Alphanumeric/Originator), is the sender name in the messages. This name is 11 characters long and is company dependant.  While sending, the exact sender information –provided by the activation unit during account activation- must be quoted within the Originator Parameter node. 06 Error Code will be returned should Sender Information does not match. Error Code 06 means that the Originator information is not defined.

Notice: The Originator statement cannot contain Turkish characters and  &, <, >, -, ( ), [ ], / signs.

Error Codes

Error Codes



Incorrect User Name

Incorrect Password

Incorrect company code


Sending Message: Insufficient credits
Invalid ID: No such message (ID) code
Reporting: Package was not processed or awaiting at Gateway


Missing parameter input


Incorrect parameter input


Undefined Originator Information


Sending Message

If you submit the below parameters to the Gateway, message code (TimerID) of the message sending package will be returned as the return value.

Username: is your username at Mobildev
Company: is the channel information associated
Password: is the password associated with your user account
Action: is the parameter value stating the function for which HTTP/HTTPS API was used for. (for sending SMS, this value must be “0”)
Message: is the text that you will send. (Neither Turkish nor special characters are allowed. Maximum 160 characters in length)
Numbers: is GSM numbers to send SMS
Originator: is the sender information that will be shown on recipient’s device. If left blank, the originator information that was associated with your account will be used.
SDate: is the starting date for forward sending. If left blank, sending will start immediately.
TimerID: is the automatically assigned number by the system to the SMS package.

Below is an example showing the URL necessary for sending SMS


http://gateway.mobilus.net/gateway.asp?username=test&company=mb1000&password=1234&action=0&message=happy new year&numbers=5327654321,5427654321,55576543212



https://secure.mobilus.net/sms/gateway.asp?username=test&company=mb1000&password=1234&action=0&message=happy new year&numbers=5327654321,5427654321,55576543212

Notice: Action value must be 0 for sending HTTP/HTTPS SMS.

If you submit the SMS sending URL as specified, the Gateway will return the following values:  

If successful: Message code (TimerID) of the SMS package will be returned as ID: 1234567

If an error occurred: Please consider checking the Error Codes section


You will need to submit username, company, password, action and msgid parameters to the Gateway, in order to access SMS sending report.

Notice: In order to access the SMS sending report, you will need to quote the Timer ID information that you received from Gateway, within the msgid parameter.

Username: is your user name at Mobildev
Company: is the channel information associated

Password: is the password associated with your user account
Action: is the parameter value stating the function for which HTTP/HTTPS API was used for. (for reporting, this value must be “1”)

msgid: is the message code (TimerID) of the SMS sending package

Below is an example showing the URL necessary for reporting

For HTTP: 


If you submit the user account info and msgID URL as specified, the Gateway will return the following values:

1. If successful:

TimerID<32>GSM Number<32>Status<13>

Sample return values for reporting



2. If an error occurred: Please consider checking the Error Codes section.

Notice: In the status information, “1” means that the message is awaiting, “2” means that the message was sent and “3” means that the message was not delivered. <32> and <13> return values mean space and Enter characters, respectively.



ASP Script

PHP Script

VB Project

Delphi Project

Phyton Project



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