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Bulk Video APIAna Sayfa

System Requirements

Notice Regarding Characters To Be Used

Notice Regarding Standard Language Translation

Notice Regarding Bulk Video Sending Method

Notice Regarding Status Control For Reporting

Control Of User Information

Notice Regarding GSM Number Format

Notice Regarding Sender Information Usage

Notice Regarding Reporting

Error Codes


Mobildev Web Service is developed for enabling client end requests to be sent to Mobildev Service –which has a physical three layer architecture- according to certain standards. These requests utilize XML technology and HTTP protocol.

Software developers can access the service at http://gateway.mobilus.net/video/videoapi.asmx

System Requirements

Following is the minimum system requirements list in order to use Mobildev Bulk Video API:

Control Of User Information

Before starting with sending SMS, SMS user information control must be carried out. If you don’t have a current SMS account please CLICK HERE to obtain a test account from Mobildev Customer Services.

public string getInfo(string username, string companycode, string password)
When Gateway receives the user information, the system verifies it and sends credit and originator information associated with it. During verification of the user information, username, company code, password and action information is checked.

String username: refers to your Mobildev SMS user name.

String companycode: refers to your channel information associated with your SMS user name –also known as client code-.
String password: refers to your SMS password associated with your SMS user name.

After checking the information sent to Gateway, 01 Error Code will be returned if the information is not correct. Error Code 01 means that one or all of the following is incorrect: user name – password – company code. In this case, please contact with Mobildev Technical Support Team and check your login details.  

Sample SOAP Data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<getInfo xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

After the information sent to Gateway is checked, the below values will be returned if the information is correct:

Credits remaining<10>

<10> refers to the LineFeed character. Originator refers to the information that will be displayed on the recipient’s device as the Sender. This information can either be 11 character long numerical or alphanumerical statements. However, Turkish characters and special characters like &, <, > are not allowed.

If an error occurred, please consider checking the Error Codes Section of this document

Return SOAP Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<getInfoResponse xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

Notice Regarding Characters To Be Used

During sending, the below is not allowed:

  • Turkish characters (ç, ş, ü, ö, ğ, Ç, Ü, Ş, Ğ, Ö, İ)
  • ~, ^^, &, <, >, €, £, ã, Ã, ‰, €, ©, ®, ∞, ° signs
  • LineFeed, Enter, Tab commands
Within a message, only the following characters are allowed: ( ) [ ] { }  =  *  ?  \  /  %  +  #  !  ”  :  ;  _  |


Notice Regarding GSM Number Format

GSM numbers must be formatted as 05321111111, 5321111111, 905321111111 and written within Numbers parameter node. 04 Error Code will be returned if the GSM numbers are not in appropriate format. Error Code 04 means that the GSM number format is incorrect. In this case, please consider checking the information quoted under Notice Regarding GSM Number Format.

Sample Usage:


Notice: you cannot send if you format numbers as +905321234567, 532 123 45 67, +05321234567 and use -, ( ), [ ], { } and etc. characters.

Notice Regarding Standard Language Translation

If non-ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters were used within the text, use of a language translator will be necessary.

Sample Translator Code:

public static string ConvertMessage(string message)
message = message.Replace("Ü", "U");
message = message.Replace("ü", "u");
message = message.Replace("Ğ", "G");
message = message.Replace("ğ", "g");
message = message.Replace("İ", "I");
message = message.Replace("ı", "i");
message = message.Replace("Ş", "S");
message = message.Replace("ş", "s");
message = message.Replace("Ç", "C");
message = message.Replace("ç", "c");
message = message.Replace("Ö", "O");
message = message.Replace("ö", "o");
message = message.Replace("é", "e");
message = message.Replace("`", "'");
message = message.Replace("^", "'");
message = message.Replace("…", ".");
message = message.Replace("ˆ", "'");
message = message.Replace("‘", "'");
message = message.Replace("’", "'");
message = message.Replace("‘", "'");
message = message.Replace("\r", "");
message = message.Replace("\n", "");
message = message.Replace("\r\n", "");
message = message.Replace("?", "##S##");
message = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message));
message = message.Replace("?", "");
message = message.Replace("##S##", "?");
message = message.Replace("&", "&");
message = message.Replace("<", "<");
message = message.Replace(">", ">");
return message;

Notice Regarding Sender Information Usage

Sender Information (Alphanumeric/Originator) is the sender name in the messages. This name is 11 characters long and is company dependant.  While sending, the exact sender information –provided by the activation unit during account activation- must be quoted within the Originator Parameter node. 06 Error Code will be returned if Sender Information does not match. Error Code 06 means that the Originator information is not defined.

Sample Usage with Upper and Lower Case:


Notice: The Originator statement cannot contain Turkish characters and &, <, >, -, ( ), [ ], / signs.

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Notice Regarding Bulk Video Sending Method

Mobildev Video Service provides 2 different functions for Video Sending. These are;

  1. sendVideo; enables you to send the same video file to one or more GSM numbers under the same subject.
  2. sendVideoMultiSender; enables you to send a video file to GSM numbers under different subjects.

Video Sending (SendVideo)

public string sendVideo(string username, string companycode, string password, string subject, string gsmnos, string originator, string sdate, string fileName, byte[] fileBytes)
String username: refers to your Mobildev SMS user name.

String companycode: refers to your channel information associated with your SMS user name –also known as client code-
String password: refers to your SMS password associated with your SMS user name.

String subject: refers to the subject information of the video to send.
String gsmnos: refers to the recipient’s GSM number information. You can use comma (,) between numbers for sending to multiple recipients.
String originator: refers to the user information that will be displayed as the sender on the recipient’s device.
String sdate: refers to the date information that the message will be sent. If left blank, the message will be sent immediately. Valid date format is 311220120959 ddmmyyyyhhmm (DayMonthYearHourMinute)
String fileName:
refers to the file name of the video to send. Example: “sample.3gp”
Byte [] fileBytes: Byte state of the file to send. As an example: System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\video\sample.3gp"). Maximum file size is 2 MB.

Sample SOAP Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<sendVideo xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

If the operation is successful, TimerID of the message sending package will be returned in “ID: 123456” format.
If not, please consider checking the Error Codes Section of this document.

Return SOAP Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<sendVideoResponse xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

Video Sending (sendVideoMultiSender)
public string sendVideoMultiSender(string username, string companycode, string password, SMSInfo[] smsInfoArray, string originator, string sdate, string fileName, byte[] fileBytes)

String username: refers to your Mobildev SMS user name.

String companycode: refers to your channel information associated with your SMS user name –also known as client code-.
String password: refers to your SMS password associated with your SMS user name.

String subject: refers to the subject information of the video to send.
String gsmnos: refers to the recipient’s GSM number information. You can use comma (,) between numbers for sending to multiple recipients.
SMSInfo[] smsInfoArray: SMSInfo object is used to send the same video in a package to  GSM numbers with different subjects. Consists of subject and GSM fields.
String originator:
refers to the user information that will be displayed as the sender on the recipient’s device.
String sdate: refers to the date information that the message will be sent. If left blank, the message will be sent immediately. Valid date format is 311220120959 ddmmyyyyhhmm (DayMonthYearHourMinute)
String fileName:
refers to the file name of the video to send. Example: “sample.3gp”
Byte [] fileBytes: Byte state of the file to send. As an example: System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\video\sample.3gp"). Maximum file size is 2 MB.

Sample SOAP Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<sendVideoMultiSender xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

If the operation is successful, TimerID of the message sending package will be returned in “ID: 123456” format.
If not, please consider checking the Error Codes Section of this document

Return SOAP Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<sendVideoMultiSenderResponse xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/"> <sendVideoMultiSenderResult>string</sendVideoMultiSenderResult>

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Notice Regarding Reporting

Mobildev Web Services offer 2 reporting options for the video messages sent:
1. Basing on a Period of time (reportbyDate)
2. Basing on message package sent (reportbyId)


Reporting Basing On A Period Of Time:

public string reportByDate(string username, string companycode, string password, string FDate, string LDate)

String username: refers to user name associated with your Mobildev SMS account.

String companycode: refers to your channel code associated with your Mobildev SMS account –also known as client code-.
String password: refers to password for your SMS user name.

String Fdate: refers to the starting date of the report. Example: 2012-01-01
String LDate: refers to the ending date of the report. Example: 2012-01-31

Sample SOAP Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<reportByDate xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

Return SOAP Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<reportByDateResponse xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

If the return value is successful:
“TimerID”<32>“GSM NO”<32>”Status”<32>”Playing Status”<32>”Date of playing the file”


1234<32>05321111111<32>2<32>1<32>2012-01-31 16:30<10>

If the return value is unsuccessful, then please consider checking the Error Codes Section of this document.

Notice: Status information “1” means that the message is waiting, “2” means that the message was delivered, “3” means that the message was not delivered. Playing Status “0” means that the video has not been watched yet, “1” means that the video has been watched. If the playing status is 0 then the date of playing the file will be blank. If the video was watched, date of playing the file will be displayed in the following format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR-MINUTE. <32> refers to the space character, while <10> refers to the LineFeed character.

Reporting Basing On Message Package Sent (reportById)

public string reportById(string username, string companycode, string password, string packetid)

String username:
refers to user name associated with your Mobildev SMS account.

String companycode: refers to your channel code associated with your Mobildev SMS account –also known as client code-.
String password: refers to password for your SMS user name.

String packetID: refers to the TimerID (packetID) information of the message package sent.

Sample SOAP Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<reportById xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

Return SOAP Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<reportByIdResponse xmlns="http://mobildev.net/videocell/">

If successful:
“TimerID”<32>“GSM NO”<32>”Status”<32>”Playing Status”<32>”Date of playing the file”


1234<32>05321111111<32>2<32>1<32>2012-01-31 16:30<10>

If the return value is unsuccessful, then please consider checking the Error Codes Section of this document

Notice: Status information “1” means that the message is waiting, “2” means that the message was delivered, “3” means that the message was not delivered. Playing Status “0” means that the video has not been watched yet, “1” means that the video has been watched. If the playing status is 0 then the date of playing the file will be blank. If the video was watched, date of playing the file will be displayed in the following format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR-MINUTE. <32> refers to the space character, while <10> refers to the LineFeed character.

Notice: Reports may date back to 3 months, the most!

Notice Regarding Status Control For Reporting

3 different status values will be returned after a report is called:

  • "1" means the message is waiting;

  • "2" means the message was sent;

  • "3" means the message was not delivered.

Error Codes

Error Code



Incorrect User Name

Incorrect Password

Incorrect Company Code


Subject cannot be left blank


Subject cannot exceed 100 characters


No GSM number information is sent for SMS sending


Insufficient credits


Filename cannot be left blank


File type must be .3gp


No file was sent


File size cannot exceed 2 MB


An error occurred creating the file. Please make sure that your file is in correct format and that it is processed as necessary.


Incorrect sender (originator) information


Specified packetId cannot be found on the system  or not yet processed


Incorrect or missing FDate or Sdate. Valid format: 2012-12-31 (Year-Month-Day)


No messages sent within the period specified


Unidentified Error

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